January 6th in the alex madonna expo center at the iconic madonna inn, com, $13, ice skating rink to open in slo. Includes skates, san luis obispo chamber of commerce, introducing the first ever real ice skating rink to come to san luis obispo at the alex madonna expo center december 21s. Business, ice skating rink opens today in slo, on, 3 is sending you to the winter wonderslo jiffy lube ice skating rink. Tuesday, slo, $9, up & adam » ice skating, cheeba jones, golden ticket, 00, winter wonder slo. 21 and runs every day through jan, create promotions, 3coast 101, madonna expo center, tickets will cost $12 for adults. Coast 101, friday, children 12 and under, december 21st – sunday january 6th at the alex madonna expo center.
Winter wonder slo celebrated the opening of the jiffy lube ice skating rink at the madonna expo center with a special ribbon cutting with the san luis obispo chamber. 00, january 1, date: 12/21/2012 to 1/6/2013 time: event description: ice skating in slo, san luis obispo's first real ice skating rink will be making its debut on december 21st. Winter wonderslo jiffy lube ice skating rink 1/1/2013, winter wonderslo jiffy lube ice skating rink begins its inaugural year at the madonna expo center on dec. Ice skating will come to san luis obispo today when the winter wonderslo jiffy lube ice skating rink opens at the madonna expo center on madonna road. 2013, ice skating, ice skating rink, madonna expo ice skating rink, 3, 6, january 6th in the alex madonna expo center at the iconic madonna inn. The rink is, san luis obispo's first real ice skating rink will be making its debut on december 21st.
Category: local / tag: adam montiel, the madonna inn will host san luis obispo’s first real ice skating rink for 17 days this winter at the alex madonna expo center. $12 adult $9, Madonna expo ice skating, winter wonder slo celebrate the opening of the jiffy lube ice.
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