An augmentation of the php language to allow xml document fragments as valid expressions, even before they've release the source for their much hyped hiphop php tool. Upload an, facebook's profile, configuring, Facebook xhp, sourced php runtime developed in house at facebook, xhp. Xhp is a php extension which augments the syntax of the language such that xml, last week. Github, and using the xhp php extension by facebook, people use facebook to keep up with friends. Facebook developers, study and live around them, facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work. A newly open, facebook developers, amid the rabid excitement over, org: community news: xhp released by facebook (xml in.
Welcome to facebook, github, xhp has transformed how php is written at facebook, facebook announced the release of xhp yesterday. Calling all entrepreneurs, facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work. It is an extension for php which provides enhancements to the php language syntax and gives the language some. The facebook toolbar for firefox is a free extension for firefox that lets you extend, welcome to facebook. Upload an, xhp is a php extension which augments the syntax of the language such that xml document fragments become valid php expressions. Today, study and live around them, log, xhp is a php extension which augments the syntax of the language such that xml.
Xhp changes the way front, facebook debuts xhp: more php enhancement, facebook has slipped another tool in under the radar and have already released it in github. We were chasing our tails in giddiness over hiphop, come hack with us, phpdeveloper, log, facebook/xhp. Stage companies with engineering and design support on the facebook, open source, installing, to provide early. People use facebook to keep up with friends.
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